Curiosity brought me to T.E.A.D 11 years ago; I wanted to see what “therapeutic riding” was all about and wanted to be involved with the horses and riders. My first day at TEAD was life changing. I was looking for an opportunity to expand my world and explore my passions. That first eventful day at TEAD was so wonderful, I felt like I had found a place that would welcome me and give me more than I could ever give back. TEAD is a wonderful place that has allowed me to grow as a person. I feel so blessed to be able to volunteer.
I know that what I receive from TEAD, its riders and staff, is far more than I can ever give. All that surrounds me every day I am on site have inspired me so many times and I am so thankful to have found my way to TEAD so many years ago. I am humbled by the recognition and so thankful to all of TEAD for ‘filing me up’ each an every time I am at the farm with laughter, joy and friendship. - I feel so fortunate to be able to work with such wonderful people and horses. It gives me the opportunity to learn and grow as a person and to continue to be involved in so many ways. I love being able to help others and I enjoy ‘getting my hands dirty’ by working with the horses. Seeing the joy on the riders’ faces, interacting with the riders, instructors and other volunteers, and connecting with the horses, I cannot find anything not to love.
When I am not, at T.E.A.D I volunteer with Burlington Humane Society as a dog walker feeding and cleaning cats, dog rescue transporter for rescues, ride horses, hike, equine massage therapy, spend time with my dog and 4 cats (all rescues), spend time at the cottage, golf, adventure and travel.