Xander has been a dedicated volunteer at TEAD for the last two years. The love for animals has brought him here. He loves to work with the animas as well as helping others and, TEAD gives him the ability to do both. Out side of volunteering Xander enjoys to horseback ride and work at other barns. When asked what he loves about TEAD he’s response was:
I love that I am able to come to TEAD and spend time with the horses, the riders, and other volunteers; learning new things from everyone.
TEAD is a very big part of my life, and that means I can make a difference in other’s lives. Since volunteering at TEAD it has changed my outlook on the importance of anyone spending time with animals as therapy and the necessity for more volunteers and the important work we all do together at TEAD. Help make someone’s day; today
From the staff and riders:
Thank you Xander for all your dedication and time devoted to TEAD. You are always available to help in emergency situations and have supporter the riders through the last two years. We enjoy having you on our team!