Thank you for your interest in TEAD’s Therapy Horse Sponsorship Program!
Our horses are our most important therapy aid. They are carefully selected for their temperament and size and trained to ensure their compatibility with the program. Each year, our team of horses provides 5000 hours of therapy, support and fun to hundreds of children and adults with special physical, cognitive and emotional needs.
TEAD’s herd is expertly trained and cared for by dedicated staff, volunteers and equine specialists. Managing our horses’ diet, health care, exercise, training and living quarters costs approximately $10,000 per horse, every year.
TEAD offers four levels of Therapy Horse Sponsorship, each with valuable recognition, charitable tax receipting and heartfelt thanks from a community of riders, volunteers, and horses.
If you are interested in sponsoring a horse, please email melissa.horvath@tead.on.ca
The magic of TEAD happens with generous donors like you!